
Code 4 Security Services is actively monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and providing regular updates to our employees and clients as things change.

General Requirements

  • All employees agree to wear masks upon customer request.
  • All employees are trained to stay 6 feet apart from other people, whenever possible.
  • All people entering Code 4 offices are required to take their temperatures at entry and return home if they have a temperature of 100.1 or above, and/or symptoms of infection.
  • All employees are advised to contact their manager and report an exposure and/or symptoms immediately.

COVID-19 Exposure Requirements

When a fully vaccinated employee is exposed to COVID-19:

  • You do not have to quarantine unless you are experiencing symptoms.
  • If you experience symptoms quarantine and get tested 5 days after the initial expose. If it has been more than 5 days since exposure get tested as soon as possible.

When an unvaccinated employee is exposed to COVID-19

  • Quarantine (remove from all shifts) for 5 days and monitor for symptoms.
  • Get a CLIA-certified test on the 5th day after exposure.
    • Negative test and no symptoms – return to work.
    • Positive test – quarantine for 14 days since exposure or onset of symptom.

Return to Work After Positive Test or Symptoms

  • At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared and
  • At least 24 hours have passed since last fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
  • Symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) have improved
New Quote (MV)