
Our 40+ years of combined experience include not only being experts in safety and security, but also training and development. Through a combination of micro learning, e-learning, and in-person hybrid formats, we can tailor training in different ways to suit your needs. We can train at your location, our location, or customize a location offsite. A sample of our classes that we offer and can customize:

Safety & Security Training Services

  • Initial and renewal Security Guard License Training for Colorado.
  • Active Assailant (Active Shooter)
  • Basic Pistol Training (qualify for your CCW).
  • Advanced Pistol Training
  • Crowd Control and Management
  • Intoxication and ID Checking Procedures
  • Sexual Harassment and Assault Awareness
  • CPR & AED Training and Certification

Code 4 can also perform a full safety and security training needs Assessment and put together a customized training plan for you.

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